#13 User Friendly Interface
Ease of use can be determined by the interface and how easy it will be for people to learn how to use it. Computer programs tend to fail in this area since the engineers that create the interface aren't thinking of the user in mind. The WebTV's interface is by far the friendliest Internet software I've seen. The whole WebTV is icon(picture) based and anything the yellow square encompasses, you can press the go button and it will take you to that place. Want email? With your remote, just move the yellow square on top of the picture of the "Mailbox" and click the "GO" button and there you have it!
In the "SET UP" area you can customize your WebTV and you will find that all of the instructions never exceed a sentence in length. WebTV not only provides you with their whole manuel on-line but you also have tutorials that have voice and beautiful graphics to introduce you to the Internet.
BOTTOM LINE: WebTV makes their unit easy to use with plenty of resources to answer any questions.