Brite International has made available invaluable learning resources for children. These prorams have been carefully crafted to appropriately address developmental stages of children. Sound teaching techniques, enhanced by catchy music where appropriate, result in effective learning in the cognituve and affective domains. The need for materials like these has never been greater.
W.R. Duke, Ph.D.
University of Alberta

We've been using the Brite Music "Stay Safe From Drugs" proram in the schools in our area. The results have been incredible. We know that our children now have the tools to resist drugs. They know how and when to say No.
Sergeant R.B. Woodward
Director of Safety Education
Huron County Sheriff Dept.
Bad Axe, Michigan

The enthusiasm, creativity, and content of the programs are unmatched.
Kathy Tomberlin
Guidance Counselor
Benton Heights Elementary School
Greensboro, North Carolina

A remarkably effective prevention tool that should be in every home where there are children.
Dr. Alvin Price
Child Psychologist and Consultant
National Head Start Program

Our day school has been using Brite Music in our music and rhythms programs and we find it exceptionally appealing to our students. Utilizing the power of music, we find ourselves better able to introduce and reinforce worthwhile messages on human worth and healthy behavior
Reverend J.A.B., Director
St. Michael's Parrish Day School
Houston, Texas

I feel this series is an important building block to the wall of resistance parents and teachers must help children build before they enter their teen years. I am proud to recommend this program for children.
H. Stephen Glenn, Ph.D.
Former Director
National Drug Abuse Center
Washington, D.C.

I sincerely feel that your music is the most important teaching tool available to parents today. In our home all we have to do is sing a few lines from a song to fit the situation and things calm down right away.
San Lorenzo, California

"Every child should be given the Brite Advantage for a happy and safe future."
