Okay, tell me what you are really thinking....
You Really Don't Think Creating a WebPresence
You Know It's Important But You're Overwhelmed Just Trying to Put Out the Fires That Inevitably Devour Your Time?
It's All You Can Do Just Keeping the Business Doors Open
You Just Don't Know Where The Money Would Come From?
I definitely understand where you're coming from. I've been there, too. Even as a computer specialist I had my fears and misundertandings of the internet and definitely lacked sufficient resources-- time and money. Keep in mind that the Internet Industry as we know it today has only been around and available to the small businesses for a little over 3 years and quite honestly is still developing. At the rate technology changes it's hard for even we Technology Specialists to keep up, let alone those whose interests and skills lie in other fields.
Why is this so important that I would put my own business on hold in order to help other small business owners? Quite frankly, it is because the window of opportunity for businesses to make their presence known and be able to compete with even the big boys is very short and is closing rapidly. Analysts predict that there are only 8-10 more months left that small businesses will be able to move onto the internet and compete with big business on a level playing field before changes, regulation and competition from the early birds who by then will have grown strong and formidable make it more and more difficult. Anyway..... maybe they're wrong......but what if they're right!!
This Basic INTERNETworking Webpage Package is designed for the businesses who understand the importance of getting their business on-line but need an effective starter page to get their feet wet while they gather additional resources and learn what INTERNETwork Marketing is all about. For $99
you can have everything you need to begin learning the ropes and increasing traffic. The education and support is a very valuable part of this package!
This package is also designed for those who are hesitant for whatever reason, and of course the few out there who honestly and truly don't think they need a webpage. If I could show you how to expose your product to a potential of 22 million consumers that might be interested in what you have to offer and double, triple, or even quadruple traffic to your store in person and/or on-line and do it all for $99, would that interest you?" Well......
What if
businesses that aren't on the internet by the year 2002 really won't be in business by the year 2010?
What if
80-90% of households really are on-line by the year 2000, have thrown away their old yellowpages and are doing the bulk of their shopping and information gathering on-line?
What if
Would it be worth $99
to make sure that your business isn't one of the casualties of the global community that's moving in?
Would it be worth $99
to begin learning what the Internet Revolution is all about and why everyone is making such a big deal about it?
Would it be worth $99 to find out for yourself if it's hype or happening?
Just a few things to think about. This package comes with a basic, but very impressive webpage and invaluable training and support. All you need to provide is some basic information about your business for the webpage and a few minutes each week to learn about the INTERNETworking tips and tricks.
I look forward to working with you!!